Sunday, February 09, 2014

Replace rear Tyre

Dunlop RoadSmart 180/55-17
Ebay $180

Tips to replace low-pofile rear tyre:

When installing, avoid beading by stepping on the tyre. Push down to the middle part of the rim.

It'll usually be enough to push the beads at the opposite end into the center well of the wheels just once. But if you're mounting low-profile tires like those found on the back of modern sportbikes, the forces you're applying to the end that you're levering over will probably keep seating the beads on the opposite side. Which is what you want -- eventually -- but for now you need slack, so you don't want the beads seated yet. This just means that you'll need to push the opposite-end's beads (top and bottom) into the middle well of the rim a couple of times. This ranges from "no big deal" to something like your own personal reenactment of Sisyphus' little rock game. If you're getting frustrated here, review the diagram above and make sure you have helpers.

Thursday, January 23, 2014