Saturday, July 30, 2016

First CCJMC ride

What a fun day. 430km door to door for me of which 27 dinosaurs were consumed. Bright blue sky at times :). The roads we went through seems like a blur to me at times I was wondering where we are! Busy at times trying to keep up with a flying Gold Wing. I can't believe how something that big could be thrown around the corner like that! And a bit of red mist when some rider with a pillion blasted past us around Gembrook. Tried to catch up but the said rider dissapeared in the distance ^:)^. Coming towards Noojee I'm not sure where everyone were... but desperate for fuel I turned left only to be told by the lady she hadn't sold any fuel for 2 years. Can't believe how long since I rode around the area! ... Luckily another servo was available 7km up the hill. Then I head home throught the back roads of Drouin.

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